Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pregnancy Tests

Pregnancy tests can be so frustrating! They can be so expensive too but it is so hard to not go out and buy several because when you want to be pregnant so badly, you want to know if you are or not! It becomes an all consuming thought those two weeks after ovulation and before your period is due when you are having difficulty getting pregnant.

I used to take them early anyway, I would find the cheap ones and buy several. I knew in my head that it was too early to take them but I wanted to know SO bad! And, with both my current children, I did test too early and initial tests were negative at first but I would try again a few days later (still early) and would get faint lines. Then of course, I would worry myself that it was just an evaporation line, but both times it they ended up being positive! Hooray!

I remember in the year it took me to conceive our oldest son, I would take the tests and then wait the appropriate amount of time. Then I would glance and it would appear negative, but then I would think, "wait, is that a possible line?" and I would take it to the other room or even to the window for better light. I think I even took it outside a couple of times and just held it and stared at it hoping and praying that it would just pop up and be obvious, but it never did. Keep trying, I hope all of you get that positive stripe soon!

**Disclaimer: post contains affiliate links.  Opinions are my own.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Month After Month-Trying To Conceive

I think the waiting process is the hardest part of trying to conceive. Those of you who have difficulty getting pregnant will definitely understand. You feel you must have timed everything just perfectly, then you start experiencing more hunger, breast pain, and perhaps even nausea. You MUST be pregnant, right? Problem is, now you have to wait another couple of weeks to know for sure and when you finally have waited all that time, there is the negative pregnancy test staring at you in the face. If you are like me, you stared at the test strip for the longest time, praying that the little line would appear, but it never did. Now the waiting game starts all over again. It is all so frustrating, but for most of you, it will happen eventually. Don't give up!

**Disclaimer: post contains affiliate links.  Opinions are my own.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Getting Pregnant

It seems so unfair that getting pregnant is so difficult for some people, especially the people who truly want children and who would give those children a wonderful home. Then there are others who either don't want children or don't know how to care properly for children and it seems like those are the people who get pregnant at the drop of a hat. It really isn't this way in all situations but when you are the one who truly wants to be pregnant and it just isn't happening, it seems that these kind of stories pop up around every corner.

I had problems getting pregnant with one of our children, it took many months. I was fortunate enough to eventually conceive without the help of infertility doctors and without the years that it can take some people. However, the months that it took were agonizing. Then the months after finally getting pregnant were agonizing due to the 2 prior miscarriages I had a few years before that pregnancy.

I just wanted to set up a blog to help those in similar situations know that there are others out there going through the same thing and to try and find appropriate suggestions and programs that may help you find the solution to your problem.

If you are interested in natural ways to help you conceive then look into this great program.

**Disclaimer: post contains affiliate links.  Opinions are my own.